Do you want to learn how to understand your astrological chart more and how the full and new moons can impact different areas of your life? This is my guide for how I use free online tools to guide me to use astrology on a weekly basis.

May 16, 2022

Astrology House Systems

Each week in the Intuitive Business Academy (IBA) we have a brilliant written and audio guide to the Astrology for the week created by our in-house Astrologer Jema (more about her below).​Jema has been a part of the IBA since the start and I love her brilliant insights and how she makes Astrology accessible yet […]

April 25, 2022

Astrology Forecast this week – Moon Cocoon

Chiron Vibes I’ve spoken to so many people this week who are feeling things are just a bit ‘off’ – have you? The New Moon we have tomorrow is working with Chiron (as seen from earth they are right next to each other) so this means their energy joins up.  Chiron is a comet with a unique […]

March 31, 2022

It’s not you, it’s the Chiron energy!

When you tap into your astrology and apply it to the way you run your business, you can gain insights that simply aren’t possible using other techniques and tools. We can understand why we seem to be ‘successful’ on the outside but not feel fulfilled inside, and why we seem to always attract similar situations […]

February 22, 2022

Using Key points of Astrology in your business

This full moon is all about questioning the security in your life especially as it relates to your home, family and related activities such as cooking and gardening.

It will likely feel quite intense and emotional as the Moon is in it’s home sign of Cancer and the Moon is connected to emotions, and the subconscious. This also gives us a really powerful opportunity to release and create a real sense of belonging in the world.

Cancer energy is like the matriarchal nurturing energy connected to our ancestors, lineage and setting up a secure home environment.

January 19, 2022

Full Moon in Cancer – what it means and journal prompts

You may hear people talking about accessing the 5th dimension and wonder what they are actually talking about… we are going through a planetary shift right now. It’s something I’ve been learning a lot about over the last year…

January 15, 2022

What really is 5d Thinking?

I’m pretty fascinated with our personal astrological charts and how they play out in our lives. The North Node is the purpose/ direction / theme of your life, whilst your South Node is your comfort zone where you can resort to hanging out, or your way of being which holds you back. My North Node is in Cancer, and my South Node is Capricorn.

January 3, 2022

Looking at my Astrology to help define how I run my business…

Gemini is an air sign and is all about mental processes. It could be symbolised by a complicated clockwork mechanism. People with Gemini energy in their charts like to think things through and especially if you have a Gemini Moon, you’ll find emotional fulfilment by intellectualising things, studying and sharing theories.
As this December 2021 Full Moon follows the Sagittarius Solar Eclipse, we may also find that more illumination arises. Whatever was stirred for us at the Eclipse may now become more obvious and we find more clarity around the issues raised.

December 17, 2021

Full Moon in Gemini – What it means and journal prompts

If 2021 has got you feeling like you just need 3 weeks in bed to recover, you are not alone. I’ve been speaking to a lot of people about this sense of trying to push ourselves but just feeling emotionally spent and really tired and run down. If you have a sense of this, listen to what is coming up for you and feel into some gentle 2022 planning.

New Moons are about reflecting internally and thinking about what truly matters to US – our core values, beliefs and desires. This is not about pleasing others, but about coming back to yourself. I love that each month the Moon calls us to remember our inner desires. The Moon in Astrology represents our emotions and subconscious, and in the darkness of the new Moon is the best time to truly feel that without distraction of the high energy vibes we feel with the Full Moon.

December 1, 2021

New Moon In Sagittarius – What it means and journal prompts

When: 19th November 9am UK time Sign:  Taurus 27 Element: Earth Quality: Fixed Ruler: Venus Duality: Feminine / Yin   Completion of the Taurus cycle This full moon can be seen as the completion of the larger cycle that began with the New Moon in Taurus back on 11th May. What was happening around that […]

November 14, 2021

Full Moon in Taurus and Lunar Eclipse