With this new Moon in Aries in the early hours of Monday, the sun and the Moon align in the heavens starting a new lunar cycle. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac so this is a very special new moon as it represents the start of the 2021 Astrological year. This would have been the time that ancient farmers waited for to plant their seeds- when it was darkest and the start of spring to stop birds and animals eating them.
Just as the farmers would be planting their seeds so we can do the same with our seeds of intention – manifesting as the energy of the Moon grows in the next cycle over a month, and also the larger cycle as we move towards the FULL moon in Aries in 6 months time.
Each Moon shines a light on a different area of our life and has a different sort of energy to it.
Aries is a Cardinal Fire sign that supports action and enthusiasm. Focus your intentions on things that require authority, leadership or spiritual rebirth.
This is a good time to balance your personal needs and the needs of people closest to you.
It’s a good energy for healing rituals for areas of the face, head, or brain.
March has been a more dreamy month under the Pisces New Moon – more connected to the abstract, creative, daydreaming kind of energy. The Aries New Moon brings a lot more energy and passion.
Quick to act and sometimes even quicker to anger, Aries energy can feel really energising, and also quite frustrating if you’re trying to push forward on things and it isn’t working out for you. It is not a patient energy.
The energy of Aries will be amplified with this Moon which means even the quietest , and slow-loving will feel this new energy of spring through Aries. It’s a good time to make positive changes in your life- you may surprise yourself with how much progress you make over the next few weeks – when you put aside perceived roadblocks, defeatist points of view, or a simple lack of motivation.
That is why I’ve waited until now to launch my new Spiritual Business Alchemy Mastermind. I believe this package I’ve created will work more powerfully starting with the Aries Moon energy.
Remember that the point of a New Moon is to take a rest though- whilst this Aries energy is great, if we start taking action too prematurely isn’t a good idea- give it a few days. Hitting pause for just a little bit longer will not only give you a better idea of where to go but how to get exactly what you want. Aries can be a bit ‘full steam head’ but without actually checking the destination- ensure you allow time and reflection that the new Moon reminds us to do.
How can I reconnect to be true beliefs and take a stand for them?
What truly GIVES me energy and what truly DRAINS my energy?
How can I ensure the direction I’m taking my business / life in is right for me?
Where have I given up too soon?
What is the next exciting thing I can take action on?
How will I commit to pursuing my passion and awakening my gifts?
What can I leave behind with the winter that no longer serves me?
If you’re new to Moon cycle tracking, check out my free downloads page where I have a Lunar Living Guide, Monthly Moon tracker and Intuitive weekly Planner.