A soul that chose me meets the world.

As we look into each other’s eyes, we know at a soul level we’ve met before. This date and time was already agreed. Relief, and a new perspective on life. Nothing else matters. Nothing else can matter.
Leo came to me the day the Sun moved out of Leo in the Sky and into Virgo – the 23rd August. But he clung onto the Leo sunshine and Lion energy, whilst bringing the classic Virgo need for organisation and things being ‘just so’ – a 34 hour labour meant I was just glad he’d finally arrived.

October 3, 2021

When a mother is born… my journey into motherhood

     You may be afraid of success which is a very common issue, especially if you are empathetic and don’t want to cause any upset or conflicts.   The fear of doing well. The fear of being recognised for your accomplishments.  At its core, what you are really afraid of is a change in […]

April 2, 2021

Are you Sabotaging yourself? Do you get 90% there then stop?